Be Flexible in Branding

A brief but inspiring talk given by CJ yeh, a graphic designer and educator. In first half of the talk, he talks about how he changes his mindset and responds to millennials as a professor in education area; then he argues that how understanding millennials changes his approaches of design and shares strategies for business branding – flexibility in brand identity.

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Behind “Stories”: Visual Socializing

Not only Facebook, including Instagram, Messenger, and What’sApp, Weibo, the microblogging platform giant in China, has also started implementing this “me too” strategy a week ago, rolling out its “Stories” function and joining the battle of online ephemeral video sharing in social networking market. Well, just too similar to be surprised.

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The New York Times is One More Step Further to Mobile and Visual News

Three days ago The New York Times (NYT) launched its presence on Snapchat Discover, a feature embedded in Snapchat Stories page allowing editorial entities – CNN, National Geographic, The Washington Post, etc. – to post their news. This is the company’s one more social media utilization.

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